12 Days of Glory – Day 6 {Requirements of Salvation before and after the Cross}

“God is not good to you because you are good, He is good because He is good!

We are not blessed because of our obedience but because of the obedience of our Lord Jesus Christ!”

-Dr. Creflo Dollar



“The requirements before the Cross VS the requirements after the Cross”
II Timothy 2:15 (NKJV, AMP)

It is imperative for you to understand what it means to rightly divide the word of truth. In order to do that, there are certain questions that requires clarification. Are we to preach the whole Bible or are we to preach Jesus from the whole bible?
Is it our calling to preach the gospel of Christ or are we to preach whatever we read?
Are we to preach as if we still live under the Old covenant, or has a New covenant come?

It is important for you to also believe right. Right believing equals right living. If you believe right, you will live right. Now is the time to get precision. When studying the Bible, you need to consider the context of who was speaking and who is being spoken to in order to reach a logical conclusion. The Cross is the dividing line in distinguishing between the Old and the New covenant.


The requirements for a man to be saved changed after the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ. Could it be that you are still living by the old requirements before the blood changed these requirements?

You need to understand, as well as receive clarifications whenever you read the Bible on whether what you are reading is pertaining to “before the Cross” or “after the Cross”.

{Deuteronomy 28}
In the Old covenant, God told Moses that if the children of Israel will carefully observe His covenants first, then the blessing will come upon them. The blessing was based on their obedience to His covenant. This meant that if they were good, God was going to bless them but if they were bad, He was going to curse you. You need to realize that these are not the conditions of the New covenant but that of the Old covenant.

{Galatians 3:13}
In Deuteronomy (Old covenant), people were blessed based on what they did first, but in the new covenant, we are blessed because of what Jesus did first.




{Hebrews 8:8-9}
In the Old covenant, it was all about “what you did”. If you did good, you got blessed. If you did bad, you got cursed.

{2 Timothy 2:13} (AMP)
In the New covenant, God removed the need for man to justify his salvation through his deeds out of the equation and placed His Son, Jesus in the equation.

In the New covenant, God is not counting on your faithfulness for Him to be faithful. If you understand how faithful God is to you, then you’d be faithful to Him.

Stop operating under the Old Covenant! Your self performance cannot earn what Jesus has already accomplished on the Cross.

{Acts 16:30}
After the shedding of the blood of Jesus on the Cross, the answer to salvation became Jesus. The key is believing in what Jesus has already done.
People don’t go to hell because of sin but because they reject Jesus! He is the only answer to redeeming them from the nature of sin.


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